Friday, March 3, 2017

Do You Worry Colleges or Employers Might Read Your Social Media Posts Someday?

To answer simply, I don't. The bigger worry for me, and why I censor my social media posts, is that my family will see. I also know that my youth pastor follows me on Twitter and that there are underclassmen who look up to me, and I don't want to set a bad example. However, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future employers and colleges do look at a person's social media to get a better understanding of the person. It would be a good idea on the company's part, since people use social media to create a sort of online persona. Employers looking at an applicants social accounts could likely bring an end to cyber bullying, since people would realize that what they say online has consequences, just like in real life. A large part of why people cyberbully is because they feel as though their online persona has no connection to them, and so they can let out their inner rage or whatever without consequence. Again, however, knowing that employers can look at your social may take away from the unfiltered culture that has made the internet so great. For many, social media is a place where people feel they can finally be themselves without judgement or consequence. If employers started looking at social accounts, sites known for spontaneity like Twitter and Snapchat may become more like Instagram, where people already often post meticulously to create the exact persona that they want.

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