Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Halloween Fashion

Halloween is one of the best holidays, hands down. It's a little ironic because everyone's favorite holiday is the one that is the least religious, but it makes sense because people of all religious beliefs or disbelief can celebrate it equally. Like most holidays, it's totally lost touch with it's origin of being the eve of All Saint's Day, but I honestly don't really have a problem with that. That's because now, it has become all about costumes! Halloween costumes started as a way for mischief-seeking teens to disguise themselves, but now, they've become part of American culture.
Whether you prefer store bought costumes, simple diy, or all-out cosplay, Halloween is the day to wear something you never would wear on any other day. Like Jenna Marbles said in her video Sluts on Halloween, it's an opportunity for a person who typically feels regular to put on an outfit they might not feel comfortable in on an ordinary day.

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